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High Performance Lightweight Engineering: Complete Process Chain – from UD Tapes to Thermoplastic High Performance Composite Structures

Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH expands its fiber reinforced plastics processing capabilities to cover the complete process chain. The unique production cell, currently consisting of an injection press (ENGEL ESP 4400H/4400H/2500V) with a clamping force of 2,500 t, will be combined with a multiaxial tape layup machine for optimized laying of UD tapes and a double-belt press for pre-consolidation. This facilitates the manufacturing of high performance composites from UD tapes to final component with minimal waste and in short cycle times on an industrial-scale.

Besides preforming, current research at NMB focuses on the manufacturing of thermoplastic sandwich structures without using adhesive layers. The main research interest in this area is the processing of high-temperature materials, thermoforming as well as functional integration of the sandwich structures using injection molding.

Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH presents the new developments in the area of Thermoplastic Composites, Sandwich Structures and Thermoplastic Preforming at JEC Europe in Paris.

The JEC Europe is one of the world-renowned exhibitions for composite material industries. From 8th to 10th of March, the exhibition offers a comprehensive overview of the entire composite materials value chain – from raw material manufacturing, composite material production and associated downstream services.

Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH exhibits together with the Department of Polymer Engineering, University Bayreuth, at the joint stand of BayernInnovativ in Hall 6, Booth P41/P45.

Dipl.-Ing. Claudia Benedickt
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Gottlieb-Keim-Str. 60, 95448 Bayreuth-Wolfsbach
Telefon: 0921 507 36 132
E-Mail: claudia.benedickt@nmbgmbh.de

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