Material Characterization
- RETSCH Particle size analyzer CAMSIZER XT
- Powder flowability analyzer Revolution Powder Analyzer
- REM Zeiss EVO MA15 with integrated EDX / EBSD system from EDAX
- Keyence 3D-digital makroskope VR-3100
- Keyence 3D-digital microscope VHX-7000
- Light microscope Zeiss Axioskop 2 MAT with various lighting devices
- SPECTRO spark emission spectrometer SPECTROMAXx with modules for Fe, Al, Ti, Cu base and additional adapters for small parts
- GOM Optical Measurement Technique
- ATOS 3D-Scanner
- ARAMIS dynamic deformation analysis
- ARGUS static deformation analysis
- ATM grinding and polishing device Saphir 550 with built-on head Rubin 520 and integrated dosing unit
- FLOW MACH2 water jet cutting system
- Salt-spray chamber
- Climate chambers
- FFT UL-94 horizontal and vertical Flame Chamber
- Kammrath & Weiß tension / compression module 5 kN with microprocessor control and heating device up to 800 ºC
- Simultaneous thermal analysis (DSC and TG) – Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter
- Heat Flow Meter Netzsch HFM 436 Lambda
- HORIBA O/ N/ H Elemental analyser EMGA 830 AC
Component Testing
- Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) Gabo Eplexor 500N
- Impact testing, CEAST Fractovis Plus (property of the University of Bayreuth)
- Hardness Testing, Zwick (property of the University of Bayreuth)
- LECO hardness tester LV-100 AT according to Vickers
- HDT Vicat thermal testing instrument, CEAST (property of the University of Bayreuth)
- Notched Impact Testing, Zwick / Roell RKP 5113 (property of the University of Bayreuth)
- Laser Extensometer, Fiedler Optoelektronik P-50 (property of the University of Bayreuth)
- VideoXtens – non-contact extensometer, Zwick (property of the University of Bayreuth)
- Seven servo-hydraulic testing machines from 100N to 63kN (property of the University of Bayreuth)
- Creep testing machine Zwick Kappa 50-SS (6x10kN) (property of the University of Bayreuth)
- Six universal testing devices from 100N to 250kN, Zwick (property of the University of Bayreuth)